• Academic Exchange by Japanese Experts
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  • On December 6, Takuya Ikeda, Researcher of the Institute for Science and Technology & Academic Policy of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and Kenta Ikenai, Researcher of the Research Institute of Economy Trade and Industry of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry conducted academic exchange on problems and countermeasures of Japanese enterprises in technological innovation in Beijing Research Center for Science of Science.

    At the meeting, Takuya Ikeda and Kenta Ikenai made the reports entitled “The Economic Effects Generated by the Introduction of New Products by EnterprisesBased on the Calculation of National Innovation Survey in Japan” and “Internationalization and Innovation of SME in Japan and Germany: the Importance of Comprehensive Internationalization Strategy”. The participants and Japanese experts had an in-depth discussion on issues such as the supportive policies of Japan to promote innovation of enterprises, the form of innovation survey and the design of questionnaire questions, etc.

    Through the exchange, the researchers of the center have deepened their understanding on Japan’s policies in enterprise innovation, which provided references for the research work. 

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